Essential Flow breaks work down into different skill-groups that collaborate to complete projects.

It tracks the start and end of each project and the days of effort required of the skill-group that is the constraint.

This allows projects to be staggered so that throughput is maximized.

You can manage a portfolio of projects in a simple way by staggering the work and then checking for projects that start before they are scheduled or projects that start later than they are scheduled.

All the information you need to implement Essential Flow is free and available on this website, as are the tools.

Help implementing Essential Flow in your company is available if you need it.

Get more information about Essential Flow here:

Visit the Essential Flow group on LinkedIn for comments and questions

The next Essential Flow workshop will be Feb 22, 23 7:00 AM PST, 4:00 PM CET.

Feb 22 Invite Link

Feb 23 Invite Link

Workshops are offered on the 4th week of every month.